Telestai Marketing Beta

Telestai is on a mission to revolutionize how decentralized communities grow. While traditional mining helps secure the network, our marketing system focuses on engaging users directly. This project is about bringing more people into our community, making open-source and decentralized projects more visible, and rewarding active participation.

Our strategy is simple: by rewarding users who engage with Telestai on platforms like X (formerly Twitter), we increase community engagement while offering tangible rewards in the form of Telestai coins (TLS). This allows us to market effectively while giving back to those who support us.

How You Can Participate

Participating in our reward system is straightforward. Follow these steps to start earning TLS:

  • Engage with Telestai Posts: Follow @Telestai_io on X and look out for new posts.
  • Repost and Comment: When Telestai publishes a new post, simply repost it and add a comment that includes your valid TLS wallet address. You can still share your thoughts, just make sure the wallet address is included.
  • Wait for the Reward Timer: Once a post is detected, our system will start a 24-hour countdown. After this period, the system will verify interactions (reposts and comments) and issue rewards accordingly.
  • Earn Your Reward: You’ll receive 250 TLS if your comment includes a valid TLS address and you’ve reposted the content.

The process is entirely automated, using a bot that checks for new posts every 15 minutes. After identifying a post, it runs through a regex filter to detect valid TLS addresses in the comments, ensuring fairness.

Technical Overview

Behind the scenes, our system is powered by a set of automated processes that work together to ensure rewards are fairly distributed to eligible participants. Here's a breakdown of how the system works:

  • Post Detection: The bot checks Telestai’s X account every 15 minutes to see if a new post has been made. Once a new post is detected, it begins a 24-hour countdown.
  • Validation: After the 24-hour waiting period, the bot cross-references all the reposts and comments for each post. It ensures that users have both reposted and included a valid TLS address in their comments.
  • Address Filtering: We use a regex-based system to detect TLS wallet addresses embedded within the comments. This means users don’t have to post their address by itself; they can still provide their thoughts or feedback in the same comment.
  • Reward Processing: Once valid interactions are verified, the bot uses a secure connection to the Telestai blockchain wallet to issue rewards. Each qualifying participant receives 250 TLS.
  • Transparency: All transactions are logged publicly. Anyone can review these transactions via the Telestai block explorer.

This reward system is currently running in its second iteration, designed to scale as our community grows. We have plans to implement additional features to improve efficiency and scalability.